Notes about the product
Product details
Body + head (all without makeup)
*You can choose from 2 body types.
Body type
A-Body-08 (human version)
A-Body-08- 1 (Goku version): +15,000 yen
Release Date
May 16, 2022
Skin Tone
Semi Pink
Face makeup: 12,000 yen Body makeup: 14,000 yen
★A-Body-08 Height (including head) 76 cm
Height (without head) 64 cm Eyes: 16 mm Head circumference: 22.3 cm Neck circumference: 10 cm Shoulder width: 16 cm Arm length: 64 cm Chest: 31.4 cm Waist: 22 cm Thigh: 14 cm
Leg circumference Leg: 9 cm Leg length: 40 cm Leg width: 3.5 cm
Leg circumference: 9 cm
★Height A-Body-08-1 (including head) 76 cm
Height (without Head) 64cm Eye: 16mm Head Circumference: 22.3cm Neck Circumference: 10cm Shoulder Width: 16cm Arm Length: 64cm Chest: 31.4cm Waist Circumference: 22cm Thigh: 14cm
Leg circumference: 10 cm Foot length: 40 cm Foot width: 4.5 cm
Foot circumference: 10.5 cm
Delivery date
Doll only: within 120 days (working days) after payment confirmation
★This item will be shipped with pre-attached random eyelashes and eyes if you wish to make up the face. ★ Birthday card, futon and doll box included. ★Delivery date may change depending on the manufacturer’s conditions. Thank you for your understanding. ★For more information about returns and exchanges, please visit here:
After-sales service
★You can return the doll to your home. The customer is responsible for the cost of makeup and shipping. ★We do our best to ensure the quality of our products, but in the unlikely event that there is a problem with the product, please contact our store within one week of purchase. If a week has passed, we may not be able to accept your request depending on the content.